"Комби" компьютерные системы для бизнеса
О компании
Продукты и услуги

Company info

"ComBi" Ltd. was incorporated in October, 1997.
The company mission is assisting corporate clients in the development of their business by means of implementation and using of the modern informational technologies.

Basic objects of the company activity:

  • designing of informational systems;
  • purchasing hardware and software;
  • assembling, mounting, installation, support and maintenance of information systems.

The company distinctive features are unique knowledge and experience in the development of basic hardware/software platforms on the base of UNIX & MS Windows Server operating systems and TCP/IP network protocols.

The decisions of "CоmBi" are based on the following products:
  • Servers based on the Intel Xeon, Intel Itanium CPUs;
  • Windows, Linux, UNIX operation systems;
  • Storage systems: entry, mid-range and high-end.
  • Personal, portable computers;
  • Routers and switches for LAN and WAN;
  • AC & DC uninterruptible power systems and sources.
"CоmBi" has the following statuses:

HPE Silver Partner Hybrid IT Specialist
HP Silver Partner
APC Elite Data Center Partner
Cisco Premier Partner
Microsoft Silver Partner, Server Platform
VMware Enterprise Partner
Veeam ProPartner Reseller, Silver
Allied Telesis Certified I-Star Partner
Axis Authorized Partner
Aladdin Business Partner

The specialists of "CоmBi" firm have passed education and certification by the above companies, as well as other manufacturers of computer hardware and software.

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